Premium L-key set made of stainless steel for imperial hexagonal socket screws by Wera. Stainless steel prevents transmission of extraneous rust. The Hex-Plus profile offers larger contact surfaces in the screw head. The notch effect is reduced to a minimum and the destruction of the screw head is almost eliminated. With hexagonal ball tip at the long arm: The ball-shaped tip profiles enable the tool shaft to be moved and pivoted relative to the screw axis which allows screwdriving “around the corner”. Take it easy tool finder with colour coding by size. In an almost wear-free L-key clip.
- Solution to the extraneous rust problem: fasten stainless screws with stainless tools
- Hex-Plus allows socket head screws to live longer
- With Take it easy tool finder: colour coding by size
- Colour coded, easy-to-grip plastic sleeve, even at low temperatures
- Wear-resistant clip material for enhanced durability
- 05022850001: 1x 5/64″ x 101 mm
- 05022851001: 1x 3/32″ x 112 mm
- 05022852001: 1x 1/8″ x 123 mm
- 05022853001: 1x 5/32″ x 137 mm
- 05022854001: 1x 3/16″ x 154 mm
- 05022855001: 1x 7/32″ x 172 mm
- 05022856001: 1x 1/4″ x 185 mm
- 05022857001: 1x 5/16″ x 195 mm
- 05022858001: 1x 3/8″ x 224 mm
Wera questioned the classic L-keydesign, since all too often thescrew head recess is rounded out,meaning screws can no longer betightened or loosened – and so theuser finds the L-key slipping out ofthe recess. Wera Hex-Plus toolshave a larger contact surface inthe screw head. The notchingeffects are reduced and therebythe deformation of the screws. Atthe same time, as much as 20 %more torque can be applied.
Stainless L-keys are hardened tothe same strength as conventional(carbon) steel tools, and preventextraneous rust forming.
The stainless steel tools from Weraare vacuum ice-hardened andhave the hardness and strengthneeded for screw connections.There are no limitations to theindustrial applications they aresuitable for.
Hexagon screws can endure aproblem because the contactsurfaces delivering the power fromthe conventional tool, istransferred to the screw via verysmall surface areas. Theconsequence: the screw canbecome damaged (rounding out).Hex-Plus tools have a greatercontact surface that prevents thisfrom happening! At the same time,as much as 20 % more torque canbe applied. Good to know: HexPlus tools fit into every standardhexagon socket screw!
L-keys made from circular materialfit into the hand better and allowless strenuous work over a longerperiod. Additionally, the rubbersleeve provides a pleasant grip,particularly in applications at lowtemperatures. Colour coding andlarge stamp enable the desired Lkey to be easily located. Moreover,the round material keys are morerobust, particularly where smallersizes are concerned.
The wear-resistant clip materialensures that the L-keys aresecurely held yet are easy toremove.
Take it easy tool finder system -with profile and size colour-codingfor quick and easy tool selection.Colour-coded system for hexagondrive screws (L-Keys, Zyklop bitsockets), external hex drive screwsand nuts (Joker wrenches, Zyklopsockets and Zyklop bit socketswith holding function), and TORX drive screws (L-Keys, Zyklop bitsockets).
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